I recently had the chance to sit down in a small setting with Josh Constine, to learn about how to be a better public speaker and better moderator. I wrote notes voraciously, and wanted to share them with you:
you sound slower than you think when you’re speaking, but still try to speak a bit slower
- the slower you speak, the less filler words you use
- you sound more dignified
- your brain can keep up with the words you’re saying
use dynamic tone
- emphasize words that matter
- take pauses at end of sentences
“finish your sentence” - make sure you come to the end of your sentence
ask questions with a finite ending
keeps speaker on edge
put the context at the start of the question
| “Web3 is growing big… how do you get speaking gigs?”
instead of
| “how do you get speaking gigs? now that web3 is blowing up, there are more opportunities to find talks”
never answer for your panelist - if they don’t answer right away, let them have the time / give them the space to think
- it’s not on you as the moderator, to rescue the speaker
as a speaker, keep the answer hard and specific to the question
- do not dilute the speaker’s question
- formulating good answers take time
small gestures on stage are actually really distracting → try and stay motionless
- a little bit of gesture / posture change as a moderator is ok, but fidgeting is really noticeable
when you ask tough questions, be sure to ask in an empathetic tone
- helps break down walls
as a panelist, have 3 points you want to keep going back to
- prepare beforehand of what these three points will be - have a strategy
- if you don’t know the answer to a question asked, you can lead back to these 3 points
- 3 points is easy for an audience to remember
if you’re being interviewed - prepare the interviewer with points you want to talk about
- helps shape the direction of the conversation
if you need a prompt / interview helper, do not use your phone
- better to have an analog prompt (piece of paper, notebook, index card, etc) to help with answering question
| 💡 interviewer pro-tip - read the last few tweets of the person you’re interviewing! It will help you be relatable, also might be able to tie into the talk
- listen to previous works / talks of the interviewee → you can tie it into your questioning, and allows for deeper conversations / questions
- It doesn’t have to be the whole thing, just a small snippet
- pre-write your jokes, even if they’re not funny
- the audience will relax because bad jokes are still good jokes
- prep calls are counter productive
- vibe doesn’t carry over to the interview
- audience wasn’t there, so if you refer to something from the prep call, audience wont understand the context
- email threads »» phone calls
- recommendation: have 2-3x more questions than needed
- you will have flexibility and no stress of filling the time
- have list of questions ordered by themes
- allows for organic flow of conversation
- don’t give exact questions to speakers beforehand because they’ll write canned / PR friendly answers
- instead give topics and subtopics you expect to touch on
- you can get people to talk about “thorny” or hard topics by asking them three times
- feel free to use “critics have said ____ how do you respond” or “people on twitter have said _____, what do you think?” to ask hard/edgy questions
- always know your next questions → no dead time on stage as the interviewer
- if you have a large number of speakers
start lightening round of questions to get speakers talking / riff
- this also hooks in the listeners / audience
| “Give a quick 10 second intro and then answer what’s your favorite DAO right now?”
later you can ask to share a little bit more about their background and to answer a question at the same time
personal and biographical questions help audience relate
- get to the meat and potatoes of the talk in the beginning of the talk to be sure to give enough time for deep conversations and answers
- don’t be afraid to shut down long winded speakers
- this is your duty as a moderator to the audience
- redirect to another person if they’re talking too much or back to a topic if they’re off topic
- end panels with something future facing - “what’s next?”
- do recaps - Josh likes to do recaps at the ends of talks
- takes notes mid talk quickly (using analog means) to do recap for later
- helps keep audience’s memory fresh of what was covered
- very impressive skill to speaker bookers
- moderator or speaker, you should do this
- josh literally will do this as a speaker by grabbing the mic and announcing things to recap
- a good question ordering as a moderator
- speed round
- personal/autobiographical question
- tactical question
- challenging question if needed
- future looking question
- recap
- twitter spaces - talks do better with closed speaker loops and then allowing external listeners to ask questions
- breaking open shy speakers by giving them an easy question to start with
Q and A: 🔗
it took Josh 4 years to start getting paid
- how bad do they need you?
- as a reminder, you have a lot more leverage last minute for getting paid
- typically you want them to throw out the first number
looking for gigs → you can probably get paid if a conference has paid tickets and sponsorships
find your core piece of credibility - “i made this and that’s why you want me to speak”
- assemble your references / sources and have them easily available for people to find
the hardest speakers to find right now are keynote speakers
- find a topic you care about and turn it into a 20 minute presentation
- conferences want keynote speakers
when do you feel like you have mastery / competency to talk publicly about a subject?
| 💪 “Fake it till you make it”
how to get competency about a subject to publicly speak about it, quickly
- get an advisor network to give advice, future insights, and to ask what are the current heated topics / debates in the field
- get experts to tell you their insights
- read a few blog posts
- formulate a new opinion after absorbing all this information
- get an advisor network to give advice, future insights, and to ask what are the current heated topics / debates in the field
good keynotes have stats, lenses, and insights about a topic
It was a really engaging discussion, and I’m excited to share these notes with you. Thank you Josh for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us!
Bonus Video 🔗
Me cheering for you when you get your first public speaking gig. I’m proud of you!